Sunday, August 16, 2009

Illustration Friday: Wrapped

Ansein feared something had gone horribly wrong with his embalming.
Not sure how to explain this one--just one of those random thoughts.
My son wanted to do an IF too, the image below is his version of "Wrapped."


Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Both of these delicious pieces are wonderful. If I were a mummy I would love to wrapped in all that delicious color. I love the colors. Excellent and the little ones picture is so on point and cute he he he!!!! Oh by the way, Trixie sends you many hugs and kisses hee he he hee hee hee!!! Take care girly!

Mônica said...

Well, I like your "Action Mummy"! I love that pose and the colorful wrapping.

And your son did a great job on that wrapped gift!

Dot said...

what a delightful take on the theme! love it!

Edrian said...

Oh, your son's piece just put me in the mood for Christmas!
Your 'wrapped' mummy is perfect for this week. Very nice!