Sunday, April 20, 2008

Illustration Friday: Primitive

Last week's topic was "Fail." And because last Saturday was U-haul day for our move--I did indeed fail to illustrate the topic.

This Saturday was camping with the Cub Scout Pack. So there was lots of primitive entertainment involving balls and trees. While I was working on this, in a folding chair under a huge oak tree, my four year old daughter was drawing next to me and she wanted to draw what I was drawing too. So here is her rendition, which fits the primitive definition of a process in it's very early stages. (however her primitive efforts are far from unskilled.)

All the little eyes on the left are actually her name "alive," with faces. She will work from left to right on words, but goes up as she runs out of space.


JO said...

I love this, as I love to draw with my Grandchildren as well. My sketchbooks are filled with their added drawings.

emilayusof said...

Wonderful illo!

Wow! Your daughter's rendition of primitive is superb! creative!

donjumsai said...

Nice composition!
with Black and White,
Line ane Dot.

Samantha Hughes said...

A great strong image. I love your daughter's Alive Writing too!!

van dyke said...

Both of these are great. I like how you've surrounded your main figure with lines and dots to give it interest and movement. And I like your daughter's illustration for its creative network of shorter strokes and 'primitive' line quality. Good job!