Sunday, February 10, 2008

Illustration Friday: Choose

Choosing has always been a dilemma for me... But for this topic I was inspired by something that happened the other day. My daughter wanted me to play freeze tag with her. I asked her how only two of us could play freeze tag? But she had it all figured out. We would find out who was it first by playing "Minnie Mouse, Minnie Mouse painted on her house. What color do you think?" I said "Red." She said, "How do you spell that?" Then she tapped it out on our feet R. E. D. as I spelled it out. After a few rounds of this one of her feet was still out--she was it. She chased me until she froze me. Then we sat down again and played Minnie Mouse to see who would be it next...
(this was done with watercolor crayons)

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