Saturday, November 27, 2010

Baker Face

My husband made a turkey cake for Thanksgiving, and I posted the image on Facebook. My Dad saw it and noted that one of the marshmallows had a face. So I took the image of the face, blew it up and added some lines and shading in Photoshop to make a baker face. (this week's Illustration Friday topic was "Savour" maybe that inspired the food art.) Below is the photo of the cake he made. Can you find the face?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sketchpad Pro and iPad

My husband bought himself an iPad as an early Christmas present. (He's flying to Europe next week and wanted it for the plane ride.) I'd heard of the Sketchpad Pro app, and after some time trying to remember the correct app name he downloaded it for me. It's a powerful little drawing app. Hubby was amazed when he ran to the store for a few items and came back to find I'd completed this. "Wow! You did that fast." Well, the fact that the leaves were their own brush helped a great deal, and the mirroring option for doing the border.

It was kind of fun drawing with my finger, like finger painting with leaves...

Saturday, November 06, 2010


A long time since posting. LIFE (all caps!) We rented a house, moved in, and 11 days later the house was foreclosed. I know that this story has played out for countless renters around the country--but you never think it could happen to you for real. The terms of our lease were sketchy--when we insisted on a one year lease the landlord hand wrote "min 1 year" on the Month to Month lease paperwork he presented us with. So we have found a new house to rent, will be taking the Bank's offer of Cash for Keys and getting out of a location that is a litigation hotspot. (the former owners are suing the bank, and weird mail for many different people shows up in our mailbox.) But the house has a lovely garden with a boganvia bush in it--so something pretty to look at while we get ready to move again. But it is so hard to carve out time for art with all this going on.